Friday, June 27, 2008


Sleepeezee beds company has been around since about 1915 when it was started as a small family business that focused on flock or hair mattresses, pillows and bed bases. In about 1925, spring interior mattress was developed and Sleepeezee was quick to jump on the bandwagon to stay viable. Sleepeezee's invention of putting legs of castors on bases is now pretty well the norm for the industry and eventually earned it the honour of being the first pocketed creation to be awarded the prestigious "Royal Warrant" to supply to Her Majesty The Queen. This is quite a mark of distinction. The Simmon's Company of America bought the British family business in 1964 which resulted in four factories being collapsed into one in 1972. By the middle of the 1980's, the Simmon's Company introduced the Beautyrest system to the world. Because the Beautyrest system was technically and functionally exceptional it replaced the former spring interior design and is still in use today. Today, Sleepeezee is the largest manufacturer of pocket sprung beds in the United Kingdom. Beautyrest is the world's best selling pocket spring bed and the company produces over 300,000 pocket springs in eight hours which result in 750 units per day. Sleepeezee products are now manufactured in 22 countries. The Simmons Company invests ample sums of money in research so they can stay at the head of the industry. This investment ensures they are able to incorporate the latest of technology into producing their product.
Pocket Spring Co.
The Pocket Spring Company's philosophy of excellence states that they want to be the world's best beds handmade for the world's finest mattresses. The Pocket Spring Company offers unmatched quality in their design, craftsmanship, and overall quality. A handmade product by the Pocket Springs Bed Company is probably the optimum set available anywhere. The company received the "Production Guild Mark Award", which is a high level of distinction. They take pride in this honour and strive to maintain this level of distinction. The Sleep System, by the Pocket Spring Bed Company, combines a luxury product with an outstanding spring edge base system. The ingenuity to develop a system that creates synergy is brilliant. This is the only one of it's kind. The technically advanced springs have more wire and more coils and is manufactured only by the Pocket Spring Company. This wire and coil system is even more unusual because it has been crafted to allow each spring to move independently. The advantage to this is that it can easily and quickly react to the body's contour and motion. When this is accomplished the sleeper will experience the most comfortable sleep possible. An advantage of the Pocket Spring mattress is that the springs resist being too firm when weight is applied. Each spring is constructed of the finest quality British steel wire which holds up under stress. Pocket Spring beds are an asset for long-term wellness, wellbeing and peace of mind

The Rocking Chair

She was leaning over the railing at the luggage conveyer. That was the first time I had seen her in over two years. I had my luggage in my hand and came around her from behind. Surprised that she hadn’t seen me yet. Wondering why she hadn’t seen me waiting for the luggage by the belt. I came up and tapped her on the shoulder. “Oh. I didn’t see you. Did you already get your luggage?” I hugged her and gave her a kiss son the cheek. “Mom. It’s so good to see you.”“Did you get your luggage already? Dad is waiting outside.” I carried my bag and walked next to her. The terminal doors swished open. The humidity stained the air. My father was waving to us. He was smiling but he looked sad to me. Something was different about my mother too. Maybe it was just me. This was the first time I had seen them since I had kicked my heroin habit. After 32 years of shooting dope, some things were bound to be changed. I walked up to my father. Hugged him. He hugged me back. Everything felt strange. Maybe it was me.“When is Stella and Irv coming in from the cruise?” my mother asked.“Tomorrow night,” my father said.It was a brand new Buick. My father always did like Buicks. It seemed like a long ride to the condo from the airport. Everything seemed different than I remembered it.We made small talk as we rode. The kind of talking that you don’t remember later. I felt like smoking a cigarette. I needed a meeting. I watched the Florida landscape slip by. A man with shabby clothing held a sign as he stood at the exit of the interstate. The sign said, “Will work for food. Please help.”I looked at all the cars around me, passing the man standing by the highway. The air-conditioning blew cool air on my face as we passed the man with the sign. The sweat was beaded on his face.“When is Stella and Irv coming in from the cruise?” my mother asked.“Tomorrow night,” my father said.They took me out for lunch at a kosher deli. More small talk. About different relatives. Who was sick. Who wasn’t sick. How hardly anyone went to the pool anymore. How everyone at the condo was getting older. Or dying.I had a corned beef sandwich with pickles. My mother had a salad. My father had liver and onions. He only ate a little bit of it. I remembered he never really liked liver and onions that much. When we got back to the condo I called the NA helpline. I needed a meeting. I felt numb and couldn’t process what I was feeling.My father and I went out to the pool. We were the only ones there for a while. He had an old white sailor’s cap on. It was pulled down and it made him look like a boy with gray hair and wrinkles. He smiled with sad eyes as we talked.One other person came out to the pool and talked with us for a while. He had been a stockbroker. He still played with stocks and my father talked with him about the market. I looked around the pool. There were six metal tables, about fifteen straight-back chairs, and about 25 chaise lounges on the patio by the pool. There were close to eighty condos in this section of the complex. It was 92 degrees. There were three of us at the pool. A few days ago some teenagers had been swimming at the pool. The police came. On most days the water is still. My father and I went back in to change. Mom was sitting on the back porch in a rocking chair. She called out to us. “When is Stella and Irv coming in from the cruise?” My father glanced at me. “Tomorrow night.” he answered. “Oh,” was what she said. And kept rocking. I changed into dry clothes. My father went to lay down and take a nap in the living room. Other than when company came over that was the only time anyone ever used the living room. I looked around the den. I had moved in there when I had first gotten out of prison. My parents had gone to a show the first night that I was there. My father had an old prescription for narcotics in the fridge and I ate them all. I passed out with a cigarette in my hand. Left a two inch burn in the den rug. It was a new rug. It was ten years later. That night, after supper, I went out to a meeting. No one showed up except for me. I read recovery literature and walked back to the condo. It was just me and my mind. The company couldn’t have been worse. My parents were already in bed by the time I got home. I turned the light out and listened to the fan on the ceiling spin. It was right over the bed. I imagined what would happen if it were to fall on me while I slept, still spinning as it dropped. The imagination is limited when it comes to the real. Things get left out. The morning light crept under the shade. I got up and went to the bathroom. Then I prayed and meditated. There was a meeting near the apartment today that I knew would happen but I was afraid anyway. For me, the alternative to meetings was unacceptable. My mother was sitting on the back porch rocking in the chair. They had closed in the golf course out back with new condominiums. I missed the vegetation that had surrounded the course. My father walked into the room. “She rocks all the time since the sickness. She asks the same questions over and over. I don’t know what to do so I just let her rock.” There were tears in his eyes. I walked out to the porch and asked her if she wanted to come in for breakfast. “In a little while,” she said. There were tears in her eyes. “Are you all right?” I asked. “Yes, I’m all right,” she said. She didn’t look directly at me. She stared out at the golf course. There were so many tears in her eyes that I didn’t know what was keeping them from spilling down her cheeks. I put my hand on her shoulder. “Is there anything I can do?” “Let me rock,” was what she said.I walked back into the den. My father was sitting there. There were tears behind my sunglasses that he couldn’t see. I felt an impulse to keep them from running down my cheek. My father was crying.“Let her rock,” was all he said. So we did. Reprinted from BIGnews, a New York City street newspaper, June 2004.

Complete Official Rules

Complete Official Rules Section I - General Rules1. The Society of Professional Journalists Freedom of the Press High School Essay Contest is divided into two levels of competition: Chapter and National. All first place winners selected at the chapter level are forwarded to the national competition.2. Contestants must enter through SPJ National Headquarters or a local participating SPJ chapter. If there is no local contest in your state, please send your entry to the address for “All Other Entries.”3. Any entries received at SPJ National Headquarters will be forwarded on to the appropriate chapter. 4. Contestants must compose an original essay with limited guidance from others.5. The Society of Professional Journalists will have the right to edit, publish or otherwise duplicate any essay entered into the contest without payment to the author.6. There is no cost to enter the contest. Section II - Qualifications for Contestants1. The contest is open to all students in grades 9-12 in public, private and home schools. 2. Contestants may submit only one essay entry during any given contest year.3. No individual having previously won a national SPJ Essay Scholarship will be eligible to compete at any level of the competition again.Section III - Contest Rules1. Each contestant should read a copy of the rules and must complete the entry form. The rules contain information about the contest, judging and awards.2. Participants must write on the official topic.3. Each entry must include the Contest Entry Title Page (entry form) or submit a cover page containing the same information found on the Entry Form.4. Essays may be typewritten or legibly handwritten but must be double-spaced.5. Essays must contain at least 300 words but no more than 500 words. Every word of the essay is counted. This does not include the title, bibliography or footnotes.6. Any quotations or copyrighted material used in the essay must be identified properly. Failure to identify non-original material will result in disqualification.7. Essays must be written in English.8. The entry must be stapled together in the upper left-hand comer.9. Any protest in the conduct of the contest must be made immediately. The Local Essay Contest Chair and the national SPJ Awards Chair will decide all protests in conformity with the contest rules. The decision of the contest National Awards Chair is final, and no higher appeals will be recognized.

Ashley Furniture

Ashley has benefited from the influx of imported product out of Asia, becoming the fastest-growing furniture company in the U.S. It is still a lower-end resource, but never has "low-end" been better designed and better produced. Ashley is well worth a look for any consumer on a tight budget because it is a significant value. (Not everyone agrees. Click here for some dissenting viewpoints.)
Baker Furniture CompanyOne of the best. At the very least, one of the top five producers of fine wood and upholstered furniture in the United States. Very expensive, but worth every dollar. Collectable, and surely one of tomorrow's heirlooms.
Bassett Furniture CompanyModest but honest value. Good starter furniture or perfect for kids' rooms and vacation homes. One of the largest domestic producers of case goods and upholstery.
Bernhardt Furniture CompanyA wonderful line of impressive fine wood product. Their approach to finishes has always baffled me a bit as it seems they work hard to produce muted, opaque finishes while I prefer clearer, transparent finishes--a minor point when the line is considered in toto. Absolutely one of the better lines in the United States.
Broyhill Furniture CompanyGood values, a well-priced, nicely styled line. Don't hesitate to give it a good look. Carried by many large chains.
Century Furniture CompanyCertainly one of the top 10 producers of fine wood furniture and upholstery in the U.S. Beautifully styled and beautifully finished, a line to look for when considering the best.

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